I was watching The Last King of Scotland the other day and so many things were familiar from my experience in Cameroon . Even though the movie is set in East Africa , the place has far more similarities to West Africa than to North America . But there was one moment that did not ring true, and it took me a while to realize what was wrong. When Idi Amin addresses the crowd after his seizing power, he speaks eloquently and passionately into a crystal clear sound system. Waitcrystal clear sound system? Did any outdoor sound system back in the 70s sound that good, much less ones used in rural East Africa ? In Cameroon in the late 2000s, I was not in the presence of any sound systems that did not squawk, squeal, stammer, and static the entire time they were being used. So close, but not quite.
a smattering of brain droppings from a self-styled writer