Is all this celebrating really necessary? Certainly, there can be value in acknowledging when we've done something well. But every occasion seems to be a celebration lately and it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable. Thus, Dick Benner's comments in the Canadian Mennonite on the proceedings at Mennonite World Conference jumped out at me. Katherine Johnson, assistant general secretary for the Lutheran World Federation, represented 68 million Lutherans worldwide. She claimed that while Lutherans were “proud of their theological distinctives,” they would not be “celebrating” their 500th birthday in 2017 due to the divisiveness of the Reformation. Their goal is to help shape the church for the 21st century, she said. A thought for Mennonite Brethren who are gearing up to celebrate 150 years in January. Our theological distinctives include some morsels of truth we may have understood better than others, but they are still far from beginning to comprehend Truth. There is...
a smattering of brain droppings from a self-styled writer