In my job, I have opportunity (and feel slightly obligated) to attend other churches. The experience of walking into an unfamiliar worshipping community has become quite familiar. So there’s less raw emotion & fear of rejection, and more clinical detachment & analysis of patterns in my approach to the situation. Frankly, as a single person, I’m fairly accustomed to walking into places by myself, and as an ambivert, I’m equally comfortable with lurking around the edges without speaking to anyone and being greeted and dragged into conversation. As far as churches in my denomination go, I generally know a fair bit about the church and its pastor(s). So I recognize that my perspective may not be shared by others. I realized, walking into a strange church last Sunday, that I was kind of a “mystery worshipper” – a stranger who goes into a service and provides commentary on it. Perhaps unlike some mystery worshippers, there are certain theological emphases I look for in churc...
a smattering of brain droppings from a self-styled writer