For all the criticisms I could make of politicians and their policies and how they often comport themselves, I’ll grant them this much: they generally try to answer the questions lobbed at them. Even though one might suggest that in itself is part of the problem. Because a lot of the accusations thinly veiled – or not disguised at all – as questions at public fora are far more about the “questioner” wanting to air his or her grievance than hearing the politician’s response. He or she usually isn’t interested in the answer; it wouldn’t be believed anyway. People often hurl their comment at the candidates, then stride away, only pausing to turn back when their intention is to rail further against their pet injustice. Not that there aren’t plenty of injustices to rail at. I’m just not sure it’s constructive. On the other hand, do the “answers” get us anywhere either? When you’re so determined to have your say, you just want to be heard – i.e. acknowledged – not n...
a smattering of brain droppings from a self-styled writer