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Showing posts from February, 2016

The other foot

“I told God I never wanted to do [Thing A],” practitioner of [Thing A] quipped wryly.   Why is this person so happy with their ministry? I thought to myself. Dear God , please don’t make me do things I hate. I recall this scenario playing out a few times in my childhood, particularly during my time in YWAM. It occurred to me recently that I am currently actively participating in or philosophically committed to a number of things that were anathema to me as a child. Happily. By choice.  I said I hardly wanted to move off the farm, that living in my rural town would be the closest I’d get to urban living. And I figured the only thing I learned during a two-week urban ministry experience was that I was not in any way meant for that kind of activity. Now I live downtown by choice, look with disgust and scorn on suburbs, and love to vacation in densely populated cities. Formerly the country bumpkin, afraid to go anywhere, I’m now comfortable in areas of tow...