*warning: half baked moralizing to follow.* “___ did what?!?! How could s/he....?!?” Oh, the outrage. You can’t turn around with finding something or someone to be outraged about. First off, I’m guilty. Secondly, there actually is plenty to be genuinely upset about. However, I don’t respond well to being yelled at. I don’t like the worst being assumed of me. I don’t appreciate being judged on the basis of very little information. And it’s probably fair to assume others feel the same way. There are plenty of injustices and just plain bad practices in the world worthy of being remarked on. But quite possibly it will be more constructive if we stay calm, avoid insults, and try to understand the motivations behind the actions we are quick to denounce. I daresay we might find a bunch of teachable moments – for all of us. So, I’m trying to learn to check my instinct for indignation. What is being reported and by whom? What other perspectiv...
a smattering of brain droppings from a self-styled writer