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Showing posts from February, 2020


“We don’t really have customs and traditions,” says the keen young woman explaining the Baha’i faith at a multifaith educational open house. Then, she proceeds to explain Baha'is have 19-day months, have 11 holy days of which 9 are mandatory to abstain from work and school, and they have weekly junior youth groups for ages 11-15. Why are we so afraid of admitting to having customs? It’s a religious tradition! Of course there are ritual practices and corporate habits. Is this the influence of oh-so-pious evangelicals who like to say, “It’s not a religion; it’s a relationship”? Is it post-modernism that makes us all want to be unencumbered the the strictures of someone else's philosophy? What is it that we resist admitting we all do? Rituals can be deadening, sure, or worse, abusive, but managed well they are shaping in constructive ways. Anyone who has tried to develop skills has learned that to become really good at something, you just need to push through hou...

Beyond us and them

Expect people to surprise you. At CMU's February Face2Face event, I think this advice from student Marnie Klassen may be the most practical take away of the panel discussion on polarization in society. Radio host Larry Updike and journalist Will Braun had lots of good stories that illustrated this point, but I think Marnie's exhortation, especially alongside her observation that no one is only one thing, are the best attitude shifts that could lead to a less heated tone of conversation between those who disagree. I think this is cheerful Christian scientist (how's that for a bunch of paradox!) Katharine Hayhoe's approach as well. She is always looking for how she can find the values and interests of those who want to resist climate change, so she can demonstrate how ecological responsibility can fit into their priorities. I'm often surprised when my friends with whom I share many perspectives suddenly don't agree with me on something. But this is so hopeful, be...