Re Winnipeg Free Press
Apr 2 “Get charged this summer: What to consider when shopping for a battery powered mower” by Laura Daily
Here’s a two alternative suggestions to Laura’s advice.
Don’t buy a new lawn mower.
How much time do you actually spend mowing your lawn? How frequently does that overlap with when your neighbours mow theirs? Instead of buying your own mower, work out a strategy with a neighbour(s) to share use of one machine. You might want to invest collectively in a new machine to simplify the ownership and expenses math, but unless the lawnmower spews out an extra special amount of toxic fumes, chances are the “greener” choice is to use up an existing machine before buying a new one.
Get rid of your grass.
Lawns create insect deserts. There are a great number of species of bugs, birds and beetles that exist unnoticed to us until they are gone, unable to perform their vital functions of pollinating and nutrient recycling. An expanse of one non-native plant species (i.e. grass) does not create an environment for these things to thrive. Switching to native plants will result in a messier yard space but a far more interesting one and a more sustainable one. Native plants send roots deep down, anchoring carbon in the soil, offering drought resistance, and saving you from the hassle of mowing the lawn.