What do you do when a creepy fun project on a little Nazi episode in your hometown uncovers an uncomfortable fact? If you’re Andrew Wall of Refuge 31 films, you make it your next project! Well, actually, about a decade and many other projects passed before Wall got to make this film about his great-grandfather’s Nazi episode. But the timing of the release of The Devil’s Handshake is perhaps exactly right for a film that asks what motivations, what history, what blinders lead us to support extremist movements that should be anathema to us. In the talk-back after the screening at U of W, Wall and several audience members concluded the point was that you can’t judge folks in history because they have all kinds of reasons for why they do what they do. But I don’t think that’s quite what Wall is doing. After all, he made the movie. It there was no valuation that something was off about what his great-grandfather supported, there would be no point to film. All that e...
a smattering of brain droppings from a self-styled writer