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Rail relocation

  I can't get through a news article without wanting to react so I'm here to exorcise my need to opine.  "The NDP government has retained former federal cabinet minister Lloyd Axworthy to lead an ambitious, two-year study into the relocation of rail lines and yards that currently occupy high-value property in Winnipeg’s core, the Free Press has learned. "Sources confirmed Premier Wab Kinew will announce Axworthy’s appointment on Tuesday." It's frustrating to see projects become political footballs and thus take 10 times as long to get done as need be. Do we need endless studies? Isn't it clear that this now secondary rail yard isn't needed in the centre of the city anymore and that its presence actually harms the city? I'm shocked and frustrated that all the handwringing about replacing the Arlington Bridge has not yet to my awareness raised the subject of rail relocation! Why are we planning to build a very expensive bridge with an extremely l

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