two -- be be
three -- be dado
four -- be ne
five -- be ta
No problem there.
Five less one -- be ta diyoko
Five less two -- be ta na bebe
Less two -- be be be se
Less one -- e se(e)yoko
Ten -- dondado
Communication linguist [wannabe] that I am, after groaning, "not MORE math in counting!" (think French word for 70, 80 & 90) my first question is "What on earth do they do that makes this kind of distinction useful to them!?" Some things in language happen for no particular reason; however, I do not believe cumbersome methods of counting are one of them. Whatever it was may be long lost, but I'm sure at some point it made sense for these people to use this system of counting and I'm very curious to know why that was.
* first syllable changes with noun class
** <e> <o> <d> substituted for nearest relatives in Oroko alphabet where applicable