A long red road leads to Big Bekondo;
A long red road leads to the village.
And on that long red road
is a great big mud puddle.
A man went through the puddle,
The great big mud puddle
.and left behind his shoes.
A long red road leads to Big Bekondo;
A long red road leads to the village.
And on that long red road
is a great big mud puddle.
A motorcycle went through the puddle,
The great big mud puddle
.and left behind its load of bananas.
A long red road leads to Big Bekondo;
A long red road leads to the village.
And on that long red road
is a great big mud puddle.
A taxicar went through the puddle,
The great big mud puddle
.and left behind a passenger.
A long red road leads to Big Bekondo;
A long red road leads to the village.
And on that long red road
is a great big mud puddle.
A cocoa truck went through the puddle,
The great big mud puddle
.and sunk clear out of sight.
The sun came out and shone down on the long red road
.and the great big mud puddle shrank.
A long red road leads to Big Bekondo;
A long red roads leads to the village
And on that long red road
is a fine layer of dust.